Rehabilitative Services

Goals and Objectives

Goal 1: Help women in transition create new paths and opportunities.

  • Objective 1.1: Assist in locating job training to develop new skill sets such as community college enrollment or on-the-job training.
  • Objective 1.2: Help women in transition develop life skills to cope with stress and handle the daily challenges of life.

Goal 2: Help women in transition build self-confidence.

  • Objective 2.1: Create business opportunities to build trust.
  • Objective 2.2: Host motivational events/activities such as speaking engagements, church supported events, Toastmasters, special events.

Goal 3: Help women in transition re-connect to family and community.

  • Objective 3.1: Host monthly support group activities to help understand concerns and personal challenges, while promoting self-control and ongoing progress. (Services provided by professional therapists.)Supporting women
  • Objective 3.2: Connect to local organizations, clubs and groups for self-growth and enhanced socialization skills.
  • Objective 3.3: Recruit volunteers to mentor women as they transition out of the correctional environment and provide continued support and advocacy while promoting encouragement, hope and positivity.
  • Objective 3.4: Expose/Introduce women to inspirational activities (arts and speaking engagements.)

Second Helpings Hawaii
 also assists women in transition in seeking services that address emotional anxiety and offers referral services to those struggling with substance abuse.
(Disclaimer: Second Helpings Hawaii does not provide substance abuse treatment services.)